Insecure and Insecurities

You see me traveling and giving speeches to pharmacutical companies and researchers or givinf presentations to advocates and cancer patients, or talking to Congress and you might think that means in a confident person or someone that has some self confidence and don’t deal with insecurities in certain aspects of life. I can tell you that its the opposite.

Insecurity- A uncertainty or anxiety about oneself
I have a lot of insecurities about myself from my health to my looks to my role in life and advocacy to about how I act and if im a good friend family member or person and multitude of other things I could list. Even in the part of my life that most think Im most confident in the cancer advocacy space I’m still deeply insecure about myself there in the present and about my future in it.

I know for me as well as many others my insecurity level is up and down and is greatly impacted by the mental health waves that I ride constantly. Right now my insecurities are on a very high level alot of factors add up to where I feel insecure about every single aspect of myself and life I’m in a tough place right now alot going on physically and mentally while also trying to deal with changes that happen with me and with people in my life.

Ive talked about doubting myself, imposter syndrome, fear and questioning my worth but I’ve never addressed the overall issue of being insecure and having insecurities that impact me so much. For me it is just one spot in a perpetual cycle of my mental health struggles.

Addressing it and standing up saying yes I am insecure and deal with insecurities in all aspects of myself and life is a important for me and for anyone dealing with these issues. Most of time it feels hopeless and that it dont make a difference to me but all can do is keep trying
#insecure #insecurities #doubt #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #cancer #mentalhealthawareness #lifewithcancer #colorectacancer #lynchsyndrome #fightcrc #coloncancercoalition #thecolonclub #survivor #aliveandkickin #life

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